SCHOOLS CHRISTMAS CARDSOrders for blank cards to be received by end of October CONTACT NAME * First Name Last Name EMAIL * CONTACT PHONE * (###) ### #### SCHOOL ADDRESS Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country QUANTITY OF BLANK CARDS REQUESTED GDPR CONSENTS * In order to provide a professional and effective service, we need to keep a record of your information which may contain personal and sensitive information. To comply with the General Data Protection Regulations, we must tell you how this data will be used and ask for your permission. By submitting this request you are permitting Connect Bath, as Data Controller, to process your data for the purposes below. PERMISSION TO STORE YOUR DATA This information will include your full name, contact details and details of your order with us. We may call you in relation to your request. All personal information is treated as private and confidential and will only be seen by trustees of Connect Bath and their trust members where it is required. This data will be stored at Connect Bath in an electronic data base and any paper copies will be securely stored in a locked filing cabinet with one of the Connect Bath trustees. You have the right to see any information that we hold about you, and to have your details removed. We do not share your information with any other agencies or companies. We will remove you from our data base and either return all paper copies to you or shred them whichever is your wish upon request. I have read and understood the information above, and I give written consent for Connect Bath to hold personal information about me Thank you!The form has been submitted